Author Marilyn A. Hudson, after the positive response to her book SOONER SAUCERS: OKLAHOMA UFO'S 1947-1969 (2020, Amazon), is working on a second volume. " I am especially interested in people who have first hand experience or stories related to a UFO from 1970 to 2020."
Hudson's first book on UFO's covered the cases found in Project Blue Book, the Air Force project that claimed to investigate the unidentified fron 1952 until it was closed in 1969. For the new work, she will focus on those before and after that time frame. "There is a great need for people with true, first-hand experiences to share what they know so it can be added to a growing body of serious research into the subject too often ridiculed or labeled as silly "flying saucers."
Since the beginning of the new millennium a new openness across the globe among governments and scientists has meant that a new level of truth and transparency is being called for by "true believers" and those simply wanting to determine what is happening. Recent moves by the U.S. Government regarding what they now call, UAP's (unidentified aerial phenomena) indicates clearly that the previous claims of their non-existence was just so much smoke screen. While, not necessarily posing a threat to national security they do underscore that prideful claims of our firm grasp of all possible scientific possibilities fell far short of the truth."
As a result, Hudson is requesting people with knowledge of sightings or related experiences in Oklahoma in the 20th century to please email her and share their story. "I am looking for facts, lots of them, and will need time, places, names, and many as can be remembered to help researchers verify and make connections to any other events happening in that same window of time." Hudson has discovered in her research that often events in one location are connected to other sightings or events and make them far more significant that was previously thought."
Below is the list of information she would like to have for each account. She can keep names anonymous but will need them to help verify names and locations. If not requested otherwise she will include name and place as well as date with the account she includes in her next volume. In sending her your account, you verify that you have given her permission to include your account.
- Name
- Address at time of sighting
- Time of sighting/event
- Day or Night
- What were you doing just before the event?
- Details about the sighting or event: sounds? colors? smells? reactions to the environment? (Wind, animal responses, unexpected clouds, warm, cold, wet, etc.)
- Shape of object seen (round, square, triangle, oblong, etc.)
- Size: If you hold a dime at arm's length how would the size compare? A Pinhead? A Pea? A Quarter? Same, larger, smaller?
- Illumination: (glow, lights (what color(s))
- Your reaction to the event or sighting? (How did you feel? What did you do?)
- Where - in the sky - did you see an object? (N,S,E,W,? Did it move and in what direction? Where was it in relation to established objects such as barns, trees, streetlights, etc.)
- What did the object do? (Moved fast, slow, steady, erratically, etc.)
- How long were you able to observe the object?
As much detail when answering these questions will be valuable to the end result.
Email the author with your answers MARILYN A.HUDSON
Marilyn A. Hudson (
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