
New Work Illuminates Church's History

Author Marilyn A. Hudson announces the completion of her most recent project, The Windows of Wesley: A Historic and Inspirational Journey, available  via Amazon.com and other venues. 
A historic and inspirational tour of the English Gothic Sanctuary of Wesley United Methodist Church (Oklahoma City, OK). The church was established in 1910 as Wesley Methodist Episcopal, North, and the sanctuary constructed in 1928. At that time four large (approx. 16 x 20 foot)  Christ windows, numerous smaller story windows, and extensive stone and wooden ornamentation.  Hudson has brought together church writings, history, and new research to uncover some interesting artistic and community history.

A blend of church history, local history, art history and the spiritual motivation sparking the use of the windows and the impact they have had on members.  Devotional writings by church members and leaders over the years further enrich the descriptions. Black and white images with accompanying historic, artistic, and inspirational text.
Information is included about the windows, their donors, and their known artistic influences. Additionally, other aspects of artistic expression at the church are also discussed, along with a reflective spiritual guide of the sanctuary.
ISBN: 978-0615991917   / 01-0615991912
Subject areas: Stained glass windows, Oklahoma, United Methodism (History), Oklahoma City, Wesley United Methodist Church

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