
Oklahoma's State Storytelling Group Donates Book by Hudson to Iceland Library

 It is always a delight to see where my books travel. Love catching them in libraries and on shelves in shops. Now, I can add this delightful event. 

"The country of Iceland is known for its high literacy rate, a country that loves poetry and stories, both written and oral. Well now it can add one more book about stories and storytellers.

When Chester Weems recently traveled to Iceland he took a new copy of Marilyn Hudson’s book Stories Center Stage: Storytelling in Modern Oklahoma. 

Chester went to the public library in Akureyri, the second largest city, of about 20,000, in northern Iceland. They have a very modern library, the newest in Iceland. Chester presented Marilyn’s book to Doddi Jonsson, a staff member and an Icelandic author himself, to be added to the library’s collection. 

So, Marilyn is now,way up north, as are all the Territory Tellers in her book."

There is a photo - so I am told - showing Chester presenting the book to Mr. Jonsson taken by Kim Weems who traveled the country with her dad. 


Kansas UFOs

 Kansas is often termed one of the "fly over" lands. A space to be crossed to get to something more interesting. As a Kansas native born in the state the "sunflower state" has much to offer. Its history long, rich, and more diverse than many suppose and its natural wonders and views hauntingly lovely.

As a child of the Kansas wheat belt, I grew up living under a vast blue sky and enjoying the song of the Meadowlark, fields of wheat rippling like a golden ocean, and seeing the bright yellow and green of the sunflower on a warm summer day. 

Children grew up seeing every type of aircraft fly over (from airports or bases) and knew the look of the commercial planes on a high altitude long haul, and the short hopper planes crop-dusting, surveying or making short hops. 

I knew from experience and shared stories that other things were seen over those majestic fields of grain. Thus, Sunflower Saucers: Kansas UFOs was born and the small book based on my personal experiences, Encounter in Kansas.  Both are available on Amazon. 


Author Release New Books

Look for her on KFOR out of OKC at the end of the month. They are doing a program on UFO/UAP and it will include part of an interview with author Marilyn A. Hudson, Stroud, Oklahoma. Her series of "UFO SKIES" includes works on Oklahoma, Kansas and general history related to the UFO/UAP topic. Available on Amazon. 

 Watch for me in an interview  during the last week of Sept. (or thereabouts) from KOCO (ABC) , Channel 5, OKC and Jason Burger.


Author thanked for contributing to new work: Vivia: The Legend of Vivia Thomas by Linda Neal Reising

Vivia: The Legend of Vivia Thomas by Linda Neal Reising.  It is an amazing and creative telling of the story of the mysterious "Vivia Thomas" of Oklahoma folklore. Through poetry the author brings insight and emotion to the movements of the story. It is well worth the reading and a great addition to poetry collections. The haunting tale of love and its high points and its deepest, darkest moments is expressed with a deft hand and a firm, lyrical voice. 



Some New Projects Nearing Completion

 Due out later in April, these two works are sure to please. Authors Cullan Hudson and Marilyn A. Hudson, who teamed up for the suspense thriller The Mound, collaborate again with a short guide to stories of UFO's/UAP's over Route 66 in Oklahoma.  The popularity of the first volume of Sooner Saucers demanded a second one and this one is full of stories - many never before shared tales - of sightings in Oklahoma. In addition, a short annotated biographical section introduces the people who wrote about, researched or made special history in Oklahoma related to the topic. Also, events are conveyed so their place in history - and relationship to other events - are not lost. UFO/UAP studies reveal there is a lot of "chaos theory": what happens in one place impacted events somewhere else or in simple terms if it was seen in one place it was seen somewhere else thus validating the larger history of the events. Despite this, most records of the Air Force and stories shared over the years liked to portray the sightings as very locative and isolated from one another. Marilyn A. Hudson will do a zoom presentation for Oklahoma MUFON in July on her research and the new works. 



Recently, I was able to share some of my research concerning the history of UFO's in Oklahoma via my book SOONER SAUCERS with members and friends of Oklahoma MUFON.  Attendees of the ZOOM meeting came from about seven states and were a great group of listeners. Really enjoyed the chance to talk to them and answer questions.

SOONER SAUCERS, VOL2 is soon to be out (target is an end of year publishing date).  On its heels will be KANSAS ENCOUNTERS and two short chronological monographs: one on 1947 and one on 1965.  For a little fun, a short and sweet guide type booklet is coming passed on UFOs ON OKLAHOMA'S ROUTE 66.

Earlier I had also had the fun of visiting with Molly Payne at KUSH radio in Cushing, Oklahoma and talked about the books and storytelling. Two great favorites of mine!

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